Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Caps for Sale! A New Twist! ALSO Gingerbread Correction!!

FIRST, I corrected the links for my gingerbread activities!  Please click on the pictures in that post to go directly to the activities!!

NEXT!  Hey everyone!  I just taught a wonderful lesson incorporating goods and services as well as counting money!  I read aloud the book "Caps for Sale" by Esphyr Slobodkina, and as a class we discussed different elements, such as how much the caps were sold for, the difference between the country and the town, and finally if a cap was a good or a service.  I then created a practice page for my first graders to practice with!  On this page they have to decide how much to sell their cap for (under $1.00).  Then the students cut out coins and show this amount of change two different ways!  This sparked a really interesting discussion about what was expensive and cheap, and what they would sell their own caps for.  It was a great social studies lesson, and if you click below you can go to my blog to download it for yourself!

First Grade Friends

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